Pretty solid platformer, art was nice 'n crisp and the music was a vibe, was pretty challenging at times too, the hostess chocolate girls are hot
Pretty solid platformer, art was nice 'n crisp and the music was a vibe, was pretty challenging at times too, the hostess chocolate girls are hot
It was alright, was a bit too easy, it'd be better if the enemies were more ruthless, the art was really well stylized, definitely the highlight, one major flaw I had with it though was that the camera felt too zoomed in, but other than that it's cool, I wouldn't mind seeing more
I am ashamed to admit the amount of time it took me to get the "I am God" medal...
This is a lot funnier if you've seen the movie, when I first initially 100% this game, I knew jack shit about The Hunger Games, but now, having seen the movie, it's a lot more enjoyable, especially in seeing the way all the characters look in Jeff's art style
This is one of the best flash games I've ever played, seriously wish there was more of this game, everything about it is so cool! The controls are smooth, enemies, while not posing much of a threat are really satisfying to kill, the music is bumpin', and the cosmetics are funny, didn't really understand the ending, guess I just don't have the IQ to understand, but this game is great
Pretty decent game, the art is definitely the high-point of it all, the controls are nice but things are a bit too easy, along with the bosses being pathetic as long as you block whenever they attack, but then again, this was made for Pico Day, so I guess they didn't have much time to tweak stuff, but for what it is, it's pretty alright
The whole aura of this game takes me back to earlier internet, the music, the graphics, the overall idea of the game just screams 2012-2017 (Along with the older version)
Pretty cool game, the choice of using Nine Circles for the music definitely hyped me up, after you play a few times Tom's patterns and moves get pretty predictable, but for a game mad in 2 days it's pretty solid, my favorite joke from this game had to be either "Use your white privilege's, Mac!" or the "WHAT A FAG!" text on the newspaper, and don't worry, I don't think Tom will blam your account if you depicted him as a larger than life, buff mongoloid
This version of Meat Boy is fucking horrible, but still pretty solid, it's garbage but, good garbage, it's interesting to see the groundwork laid out and then looking at the final game, the music is also phenomenal for a flash game, even if flash compresses it so much to where it sounds like it's coming out of a heartrate monitor
Glad to see (and play) an artistic interpretation of what one of P. Diddy's parties looked like (Kinda sucks that you can't replay immediately and have to wait for the intro to be done)
I'm a flawed dude, who draws crude
Wet-back (Male)
Amateur artist
Gay ass High
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Joined on 10/13/21